The Buick must have been a marvel back in 1993 for its Christmas tree dashboard instrument lights and power everythings. Unfortunately the red light that warns me the park brake has been left on has been malfunctioning of late, occasionally misreporting that the brake was still engaged after taking off. Recently this little red light adorned with an exclamation mark has become hypochondriacal , remaining lit even after I release the park brake a good twenty times in a row. This in itself wouldn't present a major problem except for the fact that once you travel a few hundred meters the little red light is accompanied by a warning bell, which has been a-ring-a-ding-dinging in my ears. So our four hundred k journey to Cranbook was punctuated by periods of Parker's harmony joining in with the music.
Half an hour out of Calgary Kat had me searching for Hutterites (think Amish with tractors) in Caylie County. After driving a fair ways into the prairies on a dirt road I suggested we turn around as the Hutterites were unlikely to have a sign reading, Hutterite colony this way. We backtracked and joined the highway and low an behold, just down the road was a sign saying, Caylie Hutterite Conoly 10k (left pointing arrow). Kat made me drive down the private road to the residence so she could see the men in overalls, hooded women and washing on the line. Thank god Hutterites are Anabaptists who practice absolute pacifism, we left withought stopping and went on our way.
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