Meet Parker, our rental. We picked him up from Kelowna. We missed the Rent a Wreck office and had to turn around because the office is within Darky's Pawn Shop. Parker has done us proud so far. Apart from leaving an oil stain on Carey's (our family who put us up in Vernon) drive he has done us proud. He is a ninety three Buick Park Avenue. Leather interior, power seats and windows, V6 supercharged engine and a sunroof. Tops.

After getting our bearings in Vernon we left for Golden. On the way we found Dave's Goat Walk. This is Kat feeding the goats who walk above waiting for tasty twenty five cent corn treats raised on a tin can on a pulley.

We liked the goats.

1 comment:
Hi Phil - it has been the most wonderful winter in Canberra! Frosty, frozen, freezing; one morning it snowed! I am enjoying the new blog. I must say though, it makes me want to tour with the band again! Do you ever hear from Roddy?
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